Wednesday, October 24, 2007

MIT (1024): The Power of 2

Is MIT really a power of 2?
This is what puzzled me two days ago as I thought hard about it, after reading it from Sam’s blog. Although I was quick to recognize that it is really, but as a mathematician and a scientist, I need not believe things simply because somebody else said it no matter how noble or reputable the person is. (Remember what happened during Galileo days when he said the earth was flat and people believed him.)
So I took it upon myself to prove that MIT is really a power of 2.
After 2 days, I was able to do it.
And just 2 hours ago I started typing it.
In the next 2 minutes, I would be 2ru with it and post it just 2 seconds to my alarm clock that is set to ring at 2.
(I’m beginning to write like Jess Kim.)

Proof 1: The “Comparison” proof
Let the word
MASSACHUSETTS which is 13 Letters = x;
INSTITUTE which is 9 Letters = y;
TECHNOLOGY which is 10 Letters = z

But MIT stands for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and
M is the 13th letter of the alphabet
I is the 9th letter of the alphabet, while
T is the 20th letter of the alphabet.

The fact that Massachusetts Institute of Technology stands for MIT means
x * y * z = MIT
(13letters) * (9 letters) * (10 letters) = 13th * 9th * 20th

Introducing P as the power to be determined,
(13letters) * (9 letters) * (10 letters)* P = 13th * 9th * 20th

Which means:(13*9*10)letters *P = (13*9*20)th

P = 13*9*20(th)/13*9*10(letters)

P = 2 (th/letters)

Hence, MIT is the Power of 2. -where th/letters is a constant or an SI unit to be named after..who?? no not Omorx. (It can’t be me). Sam of-course. It’s been his dream. His ultimate life goal.“My ultimate life goal is to have an SI unit of measurement named after me.” That’s his words pulled out from his blog.

Proof 2: Add first proof
The word
MASSACHUSETTS has 13 Letters. So M = 13;
INSTITUTE has 9 Letters so I = 9; and
TECHNOLOGY has10 Letters, so T = 10

If MIT = MvI*T13v9*T= 22 * T= 22*10
If MIT should be a power of 2 and 1024 is a power of 2,
Then MIT should be = 1024 in someway which we should determine.
22*10 = 10*2422*10(vP) = 10*24 (where P is the Power to be determine)
22vP = 10*2410
22vP = 24
P = 24 – 22= 2
Hence, MIT is the Power of 2

1.The operator v is +ve sign
2. 1024 agrees to be permuted only as 10*24 and not 10*2*4 for example.

Proof 3: Subtract first proof

The wordMASSACHUSETTS has 13 Letters. So M = 13;
INSTITUTE has 9 Letters so I = 9;
TECHNOLOGY has10 Letters, so T = 10

If MIT = M^I*T13^9*T= 4 * T= 22*10
If MIT should be a power of 2 and 1024 is a power of 2,
Then MIT should be = 1024 in someway which we should determine.
4*10 = 10*24
4*10*P = 10*24 (where P is the Power to be determine)

P = (10*2*4*)/(4*10)

P = 2 (since 10 up-numerator, cancels 10 down -denorminator, and 4 up also cancels 4 down)

This is if we assume that 1024 is permuted only as 10*2*4
If we decide to permute 1024 as 10*24,Then 4*10*p = 10*24
i.e.P = 10 * 244*10
P = 6
And since MIT is 3 letters,
6/3 = 2
MIT is a power of 2 in both instances
Assumption:1.The operator ^ is -ve2. 1024 agrees to be permuted only as both 10*24 and 10*2*4 only.

Proof No 4: Logical Proof
3 proofs above have shown that MIT is the power of 2. Since MIT is 3 letters making 3 words of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and 3 proofs show that MIT is a power of 2, then MIT is really a power of 2.
Posted by: Omorx on May 30, 2007 12:58 PM. First posted as a comment on Mitra's blog.

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